Monday, August 12, 2013

Find square root of an integer without using built in functions

Find square root of an integer without using built in functions.

Provided we don't know or can't recall any math: square roots of integer numbers are "sorted" in a way that the grater the number, the greater its square root is. So we can use binary search starting with the interval (0; n) and set x = (n - 0) / 2, continuing dividing the interval until we get | x*x - n | < epsilon, where the epsilon is some very small number (e.g. 0.0000000001).

time - O( ??? ) - I'd speculate something like O (log n / epsilon). log n comes from using the binary search, and obviously, the higher the required precision, the longer the search takes, hence the (1 / epsilon) multiplier.
space - O(1)
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